Anonymously submitted 3/15/24
exploring around with close friends. we dont know where were goin. we dont know what time it is. we didnt bring our phones. and we aint got watches. just tons of markers. time slips. we havent seen a cop once and its starting to feel like nothing is illegal. like property was never sacred and we weren’t ever citizens. we begin to feel the power were capable of. what its like to experience reality unmediated. by the cops. by property. by time. and we are liberated by it.
while we get wild. a sad affair unravels. the same kids who share our sick aversion for authority rot. their youth decays in meetings and at protests. between getting signatures for a petition and calling a representative. they forget what adventure is. what its like to exist without schooling. or work. or leftist politics. the kids want to free the planet but no one listens to them. have they tried freeing themselves?
youth is an unrestrained adventure trampled by a million layers of mediation. we grow up repeatably shown that our lives are not our own. how we think about ourselves. what we spend our time on. where we go. its determined by someone else. leftism appeals to our dissatification with this. another world is possible. we, the youth. the students. the workers. can gain control over the immiseration of our lives and reshape the structures of domination. at the same time. the kids know that the world is ending. that there is no better future. so why they trying to build one?
fuck the future. the only way to get free is now. and the only person you can free is yourself. that means experiencing reality without the bonds of society. rejecting adulthood and embracing youth. we want to experience our lives directly and intensly now. playing politics is just the way they trick us out of it.
some of us have discovered that we wont get anything without MIGHT. we were never too interested in politics. that boring game of exerting one’s will up through a thousand layers of representation, and back down as authority and domination. we were only ever interested in it’s pure negation. anti-politics. liberation, autonomy, and anti-authority. though we got caught up – if only tactically – in the left’s unconvincing promise of liberation under a new authority, a new future, or a new organization. we soon realized our best bet to getting free here. and now. was to use our skill, desire, creativity, and MIGHT. to directly affect our lives. surroundings. and culture.
activists tell me to influence politics is to influence society. and society is what shapes the world we live in. but I refuse to let society shape my life. or to let my life be shaped by an attempt to influence society. against politics and domination, I strive to treat my life as if it is mine. and the world, my playground.
your only as powerful as you allow yourself to be. remember that, and good luck.