Ⓐ Pittsburgh Radical Directory Ⓐ
Distros & Crews
Filler Distro
An informal collective printing, distributing, and publishing zines and stickers. A counter-info (information hostile to authority) website publishing and boosting relevant news to anarchists and other autonomous radicals (counter-info inactive as of Aug 13th). A sporadically published zine and a record label. Catch them tabling at the next punk show!
IG: @filler_pgh Website: fillerpgh.wordpress.com Twitter: @PGHAutonomy Bandcamp: filler-pgh.bandcamp.com Email: Filler_PGH@protonmail.com
City Deer Distro
Queer anarchist collective distributing radical zines with particular focus on beginner anarchist texts, care, and bikes.
IG: @citydeerdistro Email: citydeerofpgh@protonmail.com Cash App: $citydeerdistro
Nihil Distro
Informal collective distributing nihilist zines and materials.
IG: @nihil.distro Email: nihil.distro@proton.me
Youth Liberation Now
A zine project focusing on youth liberation. Occasional zine distribution. All issues can be accessed through Filler Distro’s bandcamp.
IG: @youthliberationnow LinkTree: linktr.ee/youthliberationnow
Keebler Elf Liberation Front
A Discordian collective that claimed responsibility for levitating the Cathedral of Learning during the spring semester of 2023. Their presence in the city and on campus is mysterious, and they don’t seem to have much of a public face, but their communiques have been published to both Filler and UPitt Anarchy’s counterinformation sites.
Pittsburgh Fash Watch
Social media account signal boosting anti-fascist mobilizations and analysis in Pittsburgh. Follow to hear about upcoming anti-fascist demostrations and contact with tips on local fascist organizing.
Twiiter: @pghfashwatch Email: pghfashwatch@protonmail.com
Community Spaces
The Big Idea Bookstore
Anarchist collective that provides space for exploring radical ideas and putting them into action. Houses a lending library, free Wi-Fi, a small café, new and used books, zines, and various other media. Great place to study and meet cool new people. The 54 bus will take you right there from campus. Schedule can differ wildly from what’s posted on their website, so we recommend calling before visiting.
IG: @the.big.idea.412 Website: www.thebigideapgh.org Twitter: @bigideabooks Email: thebigidea@gmail.com Phone #: (412) 687-4323 Address: 4812 Liberty Avenue
Oakland DIY
A community run DIY skatepark in South Oakland that also hosts events such as art festivals and shows.
IG: @oakland_diy GoFundMe: gofund.me/5f3bc70b Address: 47 Boundary Street
Mr. Roboto Project
A collectively run DIY music venue and art gallery in the Bloomfield neighborhood. Focuses on punk but also hosts a wide variety of other shows, as well as community events.
IG: @mr_roboto_project Website: www.therobotoproject.com Address: 5106 Penn Avenue
A Jewish anarchist social space primarily dedicated to combined practices of healing and resistance.
IG: @ratzonpgh Website: ratzonpgh.org
Free Ride Pittsburgh
A bike collective that sells cheap used bikes as well as providing an open bike shop.
Website: freeridepgh.org Phone: (412) 254-3774 Address: 214 N. Lexington Street
Pittsburgh Critical Mass
Critical Mass is a group bike ride that functions as an active reclamation of streets from cars. The ride is every 2nd Friday of the month (rain or shine). They gather at Friendship Park at 6pm and roll out at 6:30pm. It is a great start to the weekend and is always a lot of fun. We recommend bringing a speaker.
IG: @pgh_critical_mass Twitter: @pghcriticalmass
Thomas Merton Center
An organization providing space and resources to a variety of community-led social justice and peace groups in Pittsburgh. Their focus areas are in peace and non-violence, human rights, environmental justice, and economic justice.
Website: https://www.thomasmertoncenter.org/ Address: 1256 Franklin Ave
Mutual Aid & Legal Support
Steel City Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs is an international movement that believes that food is inherently political and that food scarcity is a capitalist myth. They act accordingly by reappropriating food waste, cooking it, and distributing it to their communities no questions asked. We as hungry college students have found these meals invaluable. To get involved or to just get a meal, we recommend just showing up to one of their listed distros on their website. If you have meal swipes consider loading up your bag from the Eatery and sharing it at a distro.
IG/Twitter: @pghfnb Website: www.pghfoodnotbombs.org Email: steelcityFNB@protonmail.com Phone #: (412) 501-3359 Cash App/Venmo: @pghfnb
RiCE (River City Eats)
An autonomous mutual-aid collective distributing free hot meals.
IG: @rice.pgh Patreon: ricepgh
Jailbreak PGH
An abolitionist jail support collective for survivors of the Allegheny County Jail. They table outside of the ACJ and provide comissary, bail
IG/Venmo: @jailbreakpgh
Prevention Point
Harm reduction organization dedicated to providing and promoting resources to help reduce the risk of drug use as well as advocacy
Website: www.pppgh.org Phone: 412-247-3404 Email: info@pppgh.org
Bukit Bail Fund
Organization dedicated to providing support and bail to individuals in Allegheny County Jail and beyond. For prison abolition and the end of cash bail. Will post up to $25,000 cash bail for anyone in western PA for free no questions asked. You can fill out an intake form on their website for anyone or get in touch with NLG to reach them.
Website: bukitbailfund.org Email: bukitbailfund@protonmail.com
Community Care & Resistance in Pittsburgh
Community Care & Resistance In Pittsburgh (CCRIP) is an abolitionist collective providing direct aid such as cash, supplies, transportation, support, and resource navigation for unhoused individuals and those recently released from the Allegheny County Jail. They table Tuesday nights at the ACJ, and do outreach Sundays to unhoused communities.
IG: @ccrip1312 Phone: (412) 742-2006 CashApp: $ccrip PayPal: communitycrip Venmo: ccrip
NLG Pittsburgh
A collective of legal advocates focused on advancing social justice that offers legal observers at protests as well as Know Your Rights trainings and a legal support hotline that can be activated during demonstrations to coordinate jail and bail support with the bail fund and jailbreak.
Website: pittsburghnlg.noblogs.org Email: pittsburgh@nlg.org Twitter: @NLGPGH
Pittsburgh Prison Book Project
Volunteer non-profit organization that sends reading and educational materials to prisoners across Pennsylvania. A project of the Thomas Merton Center and the Big Idea Book Store.
Website: http://pghprisonbookproject.org/ Email: pghprisonbookproject@gmail.com Twitter: @PGHPBP
University Groups
Berkman School of Anarchy
An anti-school at the University of Pittsburgh involved in the subversion and immediate destruction of the University of Pittsburgh. A counter-info site covering anarchist and autonomous news on campus.
IG: @berkman.anarchy.161 Website: berkmananarchy.noblogs.org Email: berkmananarchy@riseup.net
Fossil Free Pitt Coalition
Student group building student power and working towards fossil fuel divestment at the University of Pittsburgh. Strategy Meetings Sundays 7-8PM @ WPU 510.
IG: @fossilfreepitt LinkTree: linktr.ee/fossilfreepitt
Free The Planet Pittsburgh
Environmental club at the University of Pittsburgh.
IG: freetheplanet_pgh LinkTree: linktr.ee/freetheplanet_pgh
UPitt Anarchy (inactive)
An unofficial and informal club at the University of Pittsburgh involved in the proliferation of anarchist idea and action. Aims to introduce individuals to the wider radical scene in Pittsburgh so that they may start acting autonomously towards their own destructive and creative desires. They also host a counter-information website.
IG: @upittanarchy Website: upittanarchy.org (on archive.org) Twitter: @upittanarchy
Abortion Support & Defense
Abortion Defense Committee PGH
Community-led organization fighting for the defense of abortion rights. They are direct action and mutual aid oriented, not an electoral or campaigning group.
IG: @abortiondefense.pgh Twitter: @PGHAbortionDC Email: abortiondefensepgh@protonmail.com
Abortion Forever PGH
Group promoting pro-abortion demonstrations and counter-demonstrations.
IG: @abortionforeverpgh Twitter: @AB4EVERPGH Email: abortionforeverpgh@proton.me
Steel City Access Network
SCAN is a group focusing on providing transportation for folks seeking reproductive healthcare in southwest PA.
Interest Form: tinyurl.com/SCAN412
Auto(nomous) Body Shop
Mobile reproductive & sexual health info resource in Pittsburgh supporting bodily autonomy for all.
IG: @the.auto.body.shop Email: theautobodyshop@riseup.net